

Avoid 1 x 1 - avoid1x1

If True the building will attempt to use any other model and if it cannot find anything will then try out 1x1 models.

Attribute Type: Boolean (default: False).


Abandoned Model - abandonedModel

Specific abandoned model.

Attribute Type: Building Code Name (default: "abandonado").

Models - models

Visual models for roads or bridges.

Restriction: can only exist for buildings with the attribute isRoad or isBridge.

Attribute Type: List of Structure Model Format

The model's format is ModelName,TileSize,TileSize,Edge. More details there:

Model Format

It's the MagicaVoxel file name without the extension. (Spaces are supported!)

Tile Size

Tile Size is the amount of tiles this model is using, it appears twice because it's for both axis of the map.


Edge define which position is this model for, it can be of 7 types (including empty).


The model will appear in any position, it's the most used value for basic buildings.


Edge: will only appear on edges.


Inside Only (Solo Interior): will only appear in internal area of models, so the minimum size for such edge would be 3x3 buildings.


Anti Edge: will only appear on opposites of edges for coastal structures.

Examples: Beaches


A misterious edge yet to be known...


Double Edge: will appear when a same tile is facing roads from 2 opposite sides only.

Example: 3x1 buildings, the central part.


Double Anti Edge

A misterious edge yet to be known...

Models for any position has a lower priority than specialized ones for edges etc, so they'll only be used if there's no model for those found.

This example will provide for tiles:

  • 9x models of 1x1, specified by the 1,1.

This example will provide regarding the position:

  • 3x models which are for any position.

  • 3x models which are for edges only.

  • 2x models which are for a anti edges only.

  • 1x model which is for double edges only.

In this case the model name is KCaletaPescadores0X (Change X by number).

		"KCaletaPescadores04 esquina,1,1,E",
		"KCaletaPescadores05 esquina,1,1,E",
		"KCaletaPescadores09 esquina,1,1,E",
		"KCaletaPescadores06 antiEsquina,1,1,A",
		"KCaletaPescadores08 antiEsquina,1,1,A",
		"KCaletaPescadores07 dobleEsquina,1,1,DE"

Water Models - waterModels

Define the different water models of building.

Restriction: only used by buildings with the attribute marine.

Attribute Type: List of 3D model Names

The position in the list depends on the position of the tile (sea, coast, etc..).

Position (Starting from 1)






2 Sided Coast


3 Sided Coast


4 Sided Coast


2 Coasts in front of each other.

There's an example with 4 water models

"waterModels": [

Road Models - roadModel

Visual models for roads, bridges or buildings with the attribute connectWith.

Restriction: only used by buildings with the attribute isRoad, isBridge or connectWith.

Attribute Type: List of 3D Model Names.

The position in the list depends on the position of the tile (corner, straight line, intersection, etc...), only matters for roads, bridge only use the second model.

Position (Starting from 1)


4 Way Intersection


Straight Line




3 Way Intersection

There's no concept of inner or outer area if you make a square of roads, so it's preferable to have them designed to be connectable smoothly from both orientations.

"roadModel": [
    "4 way Model 1",
    "corner fancy",

No Cars - noCars

If cars cannot be on a road.

Restriction: can only exist for buildings with the attribute isRoad.

Attribute Type: Boolean (default value: False).


Facade - facade

Define if others buildings will face this building (like for roads).

Attribute Type: Boolean (default value: False).

Faces Sun - facesSun

The building will be oriented towards the sun's direction and prevent it from being rotated.

Attribute Type: Boolean (default value: False).


Draw Range - drawRange

Define the yellow range visible when placing or selecting a building. The purpose is to assist the player into knowing the range of any restriction.

Attribute Type: Number, it's the radius of the drawn range.

Draw Range 2 - drawRange2

Define the blue range visible when placing or selecting a building. The purpose is to assist the player into knowing the range of any restriction.

Attribute Type: Number, it's the radius of the drawn range.

Last updated