

By Building - byBuilding

If True the building's production will be calculated by the building instead. If False the building production/consume will be done by each tile.

Attribute Type: Boolean (default: False).

As example, if you have a building of 3x3, the production would be 9x what you specified in case this value is not defined or set as False.

This also apply to how it's seen by other building, they'll count it as only 1 tile when doing their requirements calculations.

Counts Itself - countsItself

The building requirements or upgrades will count their own resource and variables.

Attribute Type: Boolean (default: False).

Production & Consume

To cause a consomation or usage, just set the values as negatives.

Cost - cost

Cost of the building on placement.

Attribute Type: List of Resources.

Resource Format


    "rec": "madera",
    "q": 2

Rec (Resource): Name of resource

Q: Quantity.

The building will cost:

  • 50x Work

  • 10x Wood

			"rec": "trabajo0",
			"q": 50
			"rec": "madera",
			"q": 10

Local Variables - localVariables

Produce/Consume one or multiples local variables.

Attribute Type: List of Resources.

Local Variable Format


    "locVar": "ocio",
    "q": -3

locVar: Name of Local Variable

Q: Quantity.

The building will produce:

  • 10x Density

  • 5x Leisure

			"locVar": "densidad",
			"q": 10
			"locVar": "comodidad",
			"q": 5

Produces - produces

Produce/Consume one or multiples resources

Attribute Type: List of Resources.

Resource Format


    "rec": "madera",
    "q": 2

Rec (Resource): Name of resource

Q: Quantity.

Resource Extraction - resourceExtraction

Store one or multiples resources.

Attribute Type: Resource Extraction.

Resource Extraction


    "resource": "madera",
    "q": 2,
    "distance": 10

Resource: Name of resource

Q: Quantity.

Distance: Distance at which it will collect resources

Storage - storage

Store one or multiples resources.

Attribute Type: List of Resources.

Resource Format


    "rec": "madera",
    "q": 2

Rec (Resource): Name of resource

Q: Quantity.

Last updated